
Top 10 Code Editors for Developers and Coders to Choose From

A code editor provides a workspace for developers to create code in a specific programming language. While the primary function of a code editor is to aid with coding, most code editors go above and beyond to aid developers with spotting mistakes, generating suggestions, running the program, and other typical areas of confusion.


WooCommerce Optimization: The Beginner’s Guide

WooCommerce is the world’s most popular open source eCommerce platform. It works from within WordPress, as a free plugin that can be extended by means of custom extensions. Naturally, WooCommerce optimization is something of primary importance, but many webmasters and site owners tend to overlook it.

Mailchimp plugins for WordPress

MailChimp + WordPress: Top Plugins and Usage Guide

Email marketing has been around for ages, primarily because the email was among the first mediums of communication on the internet. Even though many new forms of media have been created, such as social networks, email is still irreplaceable. And when it comes to email marketing, MailChimp is the de facto leader. MailСhimp is a

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Finding the Best WordPress Page Builder

Finding the Best WordPress Page Builder: 6 Top Options

WordPress page builders have taken the internet by the storm. It is no hidden fact that WordPress powers millions of websites on the internet. As such, a good WordPress page builder can make lives easier for developers and end users alike. Such page builders have made it possible to quickly and efficiently put together a

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