
WordPress SEO Plugins: 5 Top Options

Search Engine Optimization is perhaps the most important part of website promotion and maintenance. Without proper SEO, your project is not likely to be successful in the longer run. Thankfully, there are several WordPress SEO plugins that can help us do the job in no time. With that said, which of the numerous WordPress SEO

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WP-CLI Power Tips You Absolutely Need to Know!

The WordPress command-line interface, or WP CLI for short, has always been popular among developers because it provides much more performance and speed when managing a WordPress site. At first glance, it may seem hard to believe that using the command line to perform certain tasks can in fact be easier than using the GUI.

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2020 Christmas and New Year’s Web Hosting Deals

2020 Christmas and New Year’s Discount Details. For 2020 we will be offering a single discount of 20% on our hosting plans. The code is listed below and can be used at checkout. Promo code: 20percent This promo code is available only for new accounts. If you have an existing account, please contact our sales

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Troubleshooting slow WordPress sites

How to Troubleshoot a Slow WordPress Website

This post will cover the basics of troubleshooting a slow WordPress site. This can become a rabbit hole if one so desires. However, the entrance to Wonderland still starts here no matter how far your heart desires to take you. A slow website will is the first impression people will get simply because even if

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