Tag Archives: cpanel

Forwarding Email to Multiple Addresses in cPanel

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps for setting up email forwarding to multiple addresses in cPanel.

There are two types of email forwarders that cPanel allows us to create. They are email account forwarders and domain forwarders.

Setting up email forwarders for an email account allows you to send a copy of emails received to another email address automatically. Email forwarders are really helpful in case you have multiple email addresses for your business and need to review all the emails received from a single mail account.

In addition to forwarding individual mail accounts, you can forward all emails from one domain to another. This is the second kind of mail forwarder that the cPanel offers.

Setting up email forwarders can be easily done via the cPanel interface within a few simple steps.

Quick steps:

Create an Email Account Forwarder:

  • Login to cPanel and navigate to Email > Forwarders
  • On Forwarders, page click Add Forwarder
  • On the Add a New Forwarder page, fill in the Address to forwarding, the domain from the dropbox, and the destination mail address.
  • Click on Add Forwarder.

Forward All Email for a Domain:

  • Login to cPanel and navigate to Email > Forwarders
  • On the Forwarders page click Add Domain Forwarder
  • Click the drop-down list and select the domain you wish to forward from
  • On the blank field type in the destination mail address, you wish to forward the emails to.
  • Click Add Domain Forwarder.

Create an Email Account Forwarder

Login to the cPanel account and navigate to Email > Forwarders. Then click on the Add Forwarder button.

Specify the email account to forward on this page. Select the correct domain from the drop-down in case you have multiple domains and then the destination email address.

Note: If you wish, you can add multiple email addresses to your forwarder, separated by commas, to set forwarders for multiple email addresses.

Then click on Add Forwarder.  

Forward All Email for a Domain:

Login to the cPanel account and navigate to Email > Forwarders. Then click on the Add Domain Forwarder button.

Once you are on the new page, click the drop-down list and select the domain you wish to forward from. Enter the destination email address you wish to forward the emails to. Finally, click on Add Domain Forwarder.


Congratulations! You have learned how to use email forwarders in cPanel. Get started with a blazing fast cPanel Hosting bundled with CloudLinux & LiteSpeed.

How to Fine-Tune PHP Error Reporting: Complete Disabling and Selective Controls Explained

This article explains how to turn off PHP error messages completely or tweak them to suit your needs.

PHP errors are generated by your websites and logged in error_log files in the directory where your PHP files are located. If you do not need the error_log file you can disable PHP error logging.

To turn off PHP error reporting, you need to add the following line to your .htaccess file to suppress any PHP error messages.

php_flag display_errors off

Quick Steps:

  1. Go to your cPanel account and select File Manager.
  2. Click on Settings, check the box Show hidden files and click Save.
  3. Open the .htaccess file and add the code “php_flag display_errors off”.
  4. Click on Save Changes to save and close the file.

Login into your cPanel account and open File Manager from the Files section.

cPanel home page.

cPanel home page.

Click on Settings in File Manager.

Settings in File Manager.

Settings in File Manager.

Tick the check box “Show hidden files” and click Save.

Settings in File Manager

Select your .htaccess file and click on the Edit option from the dashboard above.

Editing the .htaccess file.

Add the code “php_flag display_errors off” and click Save Changes.

Advanced options

Suppose you don’t want to disable PHP error reporting completely but to log only some specific types of PHP errors. In that case, you can add the following values in the .htaccess file alongside the value “php_flag display_errors on”

To report all types of errors and warnings: E_ALL

php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting E_ALL

It’s the highest level, including notices, warnings, errors, strict standards, and deprecated functions.

To report only fatal errors: E_ERROR

php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting E_ERROR

It does not include warnings, notices, or other non-fatal errors.

To report only warnings: E_WARNING

php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting E_WARNING

It reports only warnings about potential issues that might cause problems but do not stop script execution.

To report only notices: E_NOTICE

php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting E_NOTICE

Reports notice about non-critical issues, such as variable initialization, etc.

To report parse errors only: E_PARSE

php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting E_PARSE

Reports parse errors that occur during PHP script compilation.

To report usage of deprecated functions only:

php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting E_DEPRECATED

Reports usage of deprecated functions or features that might be removed in future PHP versions.

To report coding standards recommendations only:

php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting E_STRICT

Reports coding standards recommendations to ensure compatibility with future versions of PHP.

Numeric Values (Bitwise OR combinations):

You can combine error constants using the bitwise OR operator (|) to report multiple types of errors. For example:

To report all errors except notices:

php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

To report fatal errors and warnings but not notices:

php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting E_ERROR | E_WARNING


Congrats! Now, you’ve successfully learned about how to disable or partially disable PHP error reporting using the .htaccess file.

How to Check Your Website’s Error Log in cPanel

If your website is not functioning or there is an error the first thing to check is the error log. cPanel comes with a built-in error log section that allows you to see the errors. In this document, we will discuss how to diagnose your website so you correct the problems.

You can check your website for errors in the cPanel interface or from the cPanel File Manager. First we will discuss how to check the errors via the cPanel interface.

Viewing Errors in the cPanel Interface

From the cPanel interface you can only see the last 300 errors your website logged. This can be very useful for finding broken links (404 errors) etc.

  1. Log in to your cPanel account and navigate to Metrics > Errors.
    The cPanel Metrics Page.

    The cPanel Metrics Page.

  2. You will see a box here and it will have the last 300 errors of the website.
The most recent error logs from your website.

The most recent error logs from your website.

Viewing Errors in the cPanel File Manager

You can see all the errors your website is generating using the cPanel File Manager tool.

  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. Click on the File Manager under Files.
  3. Move to the public_html folder, then select and open the error_log file.
    The Apache error_log in cPanel File Manager.

    The Apache error_log in cPanel File Manager.

How to Read The Errors

Basically an error log has five fields: date and time when it happened, type of error, the visitors IP, the location of where the error is occurring and the domain it is referring to. For most cases these details are sufficient to determine what is wrong and when it first started occurring.

Date and Time logged          Type      Visitor IP Address
[Fri Jan 17 21:07:47 2019]   [error]   [client] 

Location of the Error
File does not exist: /home/userna5/public_html/400.shtml, 

Domain Referrer
referer: http://example.com/?m=200911


Great work! Now you know how to check and review your website’s error logs in case there’s an issue.

How to Create Custom Error Pages in cPanel

This tutorial will explain how to create a custom error page for your website in cPanel. Your website visitors can see an error page whenever an error has occurred while browsing your site. Apart from the general error pages, with custom error pages you can change the predefined error pages and add a custom message to it.

Quick Steps:

Step 1. Login to cPanel and select Error Pages from Advanced Section.
Step 2.  Select the domain.
Step 2. Select the error page from the lists you want to customize.
Step 3. Type the code you want to add in the error pages. You can also select from the buttons at the top of the page.

Login to your cPanel account and select Error Pages from the Advanced Section.

cPanel Advanced Panel: Error Pages

cPanel Advanced Panel: Error Pages

From the new page select the domain where you wish to display the error page. In the next step, from the lists, select the error page which you need to customize.

How to Create Custom Error Pages in cPanel

Error Pages in cPanel

After selecting the error page from the lists, you can add the codes which need to be displayed in the error page. Also, there are buttons at the top of the page from which you can select according to the content you need to add in the error page.

Learn how to set up a custom WordPress 404 error page by following the tutorial How to Create a Custom WordPress 404 Error Page

How to Increase Disk Space for a User in WHM

This tutorial explains how to increase the disk space of a specific user in WHM.

Quick Steps:

Step 1: Login to your WHM.
Step 2: Select Quota Modification under Account Functions.
Step 3: 
Select the domain/username and click Modify.

Step 4: Change the quota value for the account and click save.

Login to your WHM and select Quota Modification.

How to increase disk space in cpanel/WHM ?

How to increase disk space in cpanel/WHM ?

Now, you will be presented with a new page where usernames/domains are displayed. Please select the username/domain you wish to change and then click the Modify button. To modify multiple accounts at once, click Show all Accounts.

How to increase disk space in cpanel/WHM ?

How to increase disk space in cpanel/WHM ?

Specify the Quota limit and press the Save button. Your account will be modified with the new quota you assigned.

Manage and Change File Permissions with cPanel File Manager

In this article, you will learn how to manage and change file permissions in cPanel using the cPanel File Manager.

When files and directories are created in cPanel’s File Manager, the default permission are assigned. The default permissions for directories and files in cPanel are 755 and 644, respectively. Most users would never need to change the permissions, but at times when an update/installation fails or due to corrupted files/folders, the files and directories in cPanel can have the incorrect permissions. In this document we will discuss how to fix incorrect permissions.

Default Permissions

public_html - 750
Folders - 755
CGI and Perl scripts - 755
.html .php and other Document Types - 644

Files with lesser permissions than that of the default permission will encounter issues such as request denied, forbidden, etc. when requested by the server. If the permission is higher than that of default permission set, it can allow unauthorized users to access and compromise your site. The contents in your site should always be set to the default permissions.

How we can change the permission via cPanel File Manager.

1. Login to cPanel and click on File Manager

Login into Cpanel Veerotech Hosting

cPanel Main Page

2. Once inside the File Manager, select the file/directory and then click on Permissions to change the current permission. You can also right-click the file/directory and click Change Permissions to edit the permission.

File Manager change Permissions

File Manager change Permissions

Next, you’ll get a popup window on which you can adjust the permissions by checking the box for each permission you want. The window will also display the corresponding numeric value for the permission you’ve set.   

3. Click on Change Permission to confirm the changes.

How to change Permission in VPS.

If you have root access to the server, then executing a single script called “Fixperms” will fix the incorrect permissions. First, download the script to a temporary location and execute it from there.

cd /tmp

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeachFlame/cPanel-fixperms/master/fixperms.sh

sh ./fixperms.sh -a USER-NAME

This will fix the incorrect permissions in a cPanel user’s root folder.

To fix the incorrect permissions for all the users on the server, execute the command shown below.

cd /tmp

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeachFlame/cPanel-fixperms/master/fixperms.sh

sh ./fixperms.sh -all

This will set all the users files and directories to the default permission.


Kudos, now you know how to change file permissions in cPanel. Incorrect permissions can cause severe problems for your website. If you find any files or folders with incorrect permissions, it’s recommended to change them to the  default permissions.

How to View Your cPanel Disk Space Usage

In order to view your cPanel disk space usage, there’s a great tool located inside of your cPanel account that can help you narrow down what’s using all of your disk space.

Quick Steps:

  1.  Login to your cPanel and select “Disk Usage” under Files section.
  2.  Click on the selected path to view its sub folders and contents.

While logged into your cPanel account, you’ll want to locate the “Disk Usage” icon found under the “Files” pane.




After clicking on the “Disk Usage” icon in cPanel, you’ll be taken to the overview page, as shown below:




You can click on the path displayed in the above image to open the file viewer to view the files/directories from within that path. If you need to drill down further, you can scroll down towards the bottom & expand each directory:




Please note: in the event your web hosting account has a large amount of data on it, it may take a while for the cPanel disk space usage application to retrieve the statistics. In the event of a very large hosting account, the cPanel disk space usage utility may not be able to load your statistics. In the even this happens, please contact our support department & we can provide you with your space usage details.